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[관장님들 필독] 미국 국회 청원 - 코로나 사태관련 소매상 정부 지원금 즉각 지급 요청

국제 표핑센터 협의회라는 조직( 랜드로드의 연합회 같은 것 : 글쓴이 주)에서 국회에 청원하고 고 있습니다. 이번 코로나 바이러스 사태로 인해 많은 소매상들과 랜드로들의 직격탄에 맞서서 정부 지원금 즉각 집행을 원하는 청원운동인듯 합니다.

아래 원본 이 있으며 가장 눈에 띄는 것은:

....we believe the federal government should guarantee or directly pay for business interruption coverage for retailers, restaurants and other tenants as well as landlords.....

여기에 렌트를 하고 계시는 테넨트 분들 및 건물주 관장님들까지 포함입니다.

며칠 전 모 관장님으로 부터 제보를 받았는데, 혹시 혼동을 가져올수 있어서 저희 운영팀에서 며칠 확인 작업을 거친결과, 일단 Red Flag는 없고 그 협회 차원에서 정부에 쓰는 탄원서 / 청원 같은것입니다.

참여 부탁 드립니다. 그리고 다시한번 제보 해주신 관장님께 감사드립니다.

마지막으로 이 협회의 웹사이트를 둘러보고 느낀것은 이런 기회에 International Council of Shopping Centers (ISCS - 국제 쇼핑센터 협의회) 처럼 목소리를 낼수있고 정치쪽에 목소리를 할수있는 힘을 기르는데 관심을 가져야 할것으로 생각합니다.

청원하는 곳:

제보Text 원문:

안녕하세요 이거 포스트 가능할까요?


Got this from one of our landlord. Please take action if you agree it could help safeguard our way of life. Yesterday, the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) communicated to the Administration and the full Congress the need for immediate business interruption coverage for retailers, restaurants and other shopping center tenants. We are asking you to help reinforce this important request. Click Here (…) and follow the prompt to raise your voice in support and quickly communicate with your elected officials in Washington, D.C. It will take less than 5 minutes to be heard. It is critically important that Members of Congress hear from their constituents, as Congress will be acting quickly. Please forward this link to your network for the greatest response. We value you as a tenant and want to help safeguard your business’ long-term future. Together, we are stronger.

ICSC 청원관련Press release:

청원서에 들어가는 편지 내용:

Dear Official,

The majority of the estimated $6.7 trillion of consumer activity generated by the retail, food-and-beverage, entertainment and consumer service industries occurs within America’s shopping centers, with nearly 1 out of 4 American jobs retail related. The long-term strength of the shopping center industry is critical to the economic, civic and social viability of communities across the country.

Representing a member network of nearly 70,000, the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) is proud to serve as the shopping center industry’s trade association. Our members include owners, developers, financial institutions, professional service providers and importantly shopping center tenants such as retailers, restaurants, gyms, health centers and service providers. Nearly 70% of shopping center tenants are small businesses that employ less than 10 people.

Federal, state and local government and health officials are implementing unprecedented steps to limit the risk of COVID-19 community spread. America’s shopping center owners, developers and tenants applaud the efforts that are taking place and are eager to support our nation as we confront this public health crisis. ICSC members stand ready to provide parking lots and unoccupied space to stage emergency supplies, facilitate the delivery of food and essential goods to fellow citizens and construct temporary health centers and shelter. Many of our members have already begun supporting local and national efforts with many more ready to assist immediately.

The necessary public health and safety actions being taken have required retailers, restaurants, gyms and other service providers to close. These closures are placing an insurmountable strain on our members, and we believe federal government action is urgently needed. In the most immediate term, we believe the federal government should guarantee or directly pay for business interruption coverage for retailers, restaurants and other tenants as well as landlords. While some companies may have third party insurance, the current crisis is not covered by these policies. This will allow these businesses to continue to pay their employees and suppliers. Most importantly, the nearly $400 billion of state and local taxes the shopping center industry generates to support local communities will continue.

Without ensuring the stability of our tenant base, the repayment of up to $1 trillion of secured and unsecured debt underlying the shopping center industry will be at risk. This will jeopardize the entire industry and cause long-term damage to financial markets, rampant unemployment and irreparable harm to communities across our country. As the ramifications of the crisis become clearer in the near term, the industry will require further federal support associated with outstanding debt obligations as well as tax and regulatory relief.

We understand the Administration and Congressional leaders are currently discussing assistance for small businesses and relief to American workers and we are supportive of these efforts. ICSC respectfully requests the opportunity to urgently discuss our proposals with you at this critical period in the history of our nation and the shopping center industry.

Regards, Your Name

* 변역상 오류가 있더라도 양해 바랍니다.

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